Learn to Play the Ukulele!

Now Registering kids in Grades 2 – 5 for the Fall Session:
Uke 1 – an introduction class to the ukulele and perfect for kids who want to learn an instrument, while exploring the world of musicianship. Students will learn basics of the instrument, including rhythmic strumming and chords. They will be playing songs in a few short weeks! Tuesdays, 1:15 – 2:00 pm

Uke 2 – The student must have completed Uke 1. All levels of players are welcome for continued learning and weekly “jam session”. Tuesadys, 2:15 – 3:00 pm

Bring your own instrument or contact teacher for rental. To register: www.activityreg.com, click on MA, click on Newton Parks & Recreation, click on Register, click on Programs or Activities, click on Mayor’s Office for Cultural Affairs, click on Ukulele classes. Or call 617-796-1540 for more information.

Tuesdays, September 20th – November 22nd
Newton Cultural Center, City Hall