2016-17 Burr Sch. Winter Youth Sports (K~5)

2016-17 Burr Sch. Winter Youth Sports (K~5)

Good news!  This coming winter Burr School PTO will run sports programs in Burr School Gym again.  To brief, starting from 11-22-16 there will be Tuesday basketball clinics coached by Country day school varsity basketball coach Vincent Johnson;  and starting from 12-2-16 there will be Friday indoor soccer clinics coached by Valeo Soccer Club coach Jared Lewis 

This youth indoor sports academy will be a great opportunity to learn through fun-based drills, small-sided games, and scrimmages; or just to meet schoolmates/ friends in a “no pressure” setting. All games and drills will be age appropriate and are set to improve skills. Skills based, with a small element of game play, this is a great opportunity and training environment for players looking to continue their development over the cold, winter months!

Details are here: bit.ly/burrsports    Currently there are sibling's discount and early bird discount ($10 with coupon code 45719) available!  

All proceeds will go to Burr Wolf Fund, which will eventually benefit Burr School students academically.