Burr Needs a Safe Routes to School Rep

Burr Needs a Safe Routes to School Rep.

The Safe Routes to School Task Force is a group of PTO volunteers who are working to support safe and active transportation options in each of our schools.  This is a critical time in Newton for advocacy.  Many important NPS and city initiatives are underway that will shape our students’ transportation options for years to come including school reconstruction, school assignment, updated health and wellness policies, high school start times, sustainability and complete streets.  The task force can be much more effective if all the schools are represented.  Burr School is currently unrepresented and we need volunteers!

The task force is planning a special Open House on Friday, October 7th at the Waban Library Center from 9:30 am to 10:30 am to give current and potential representatives a chance to learn more about SRTS and to ask questions of volunteers and city officials on important elements of the program including fun ways to promote walking and biking, bike & pedestrian safety training, crossing guards, school buses, addressing safety concerns in your school neighborhood.  They will be joined by city staff including the Newton Police Department, DPW and others.


Please contact the Burr PTO if you are interested in volunteering or getting more information: pto-board@burrpto.org