New Tween Programs @ the Newton Free Library​

If you are the parent of a ‘tween’ then you are already aware of the distinct abilities, needs and developmental differences of kids in this age category.  At the Newton Free Library they, too, recognize this unique time in life and are therefore making a serious push toward establishing tween as independent from, yet equally important as, kids and teens. Tweens definitely don’t see themselves as kids, but developmentally they are not yet teens. They need not just their own reading material, but their own programming as well.

Starting in November, they will offer tween-specific programs for kids in grades 5-7. Check out the newly made tween webpage and coming soon, a tween book collection.

The first gathering of TWIG, a new Tween Interest Group, will be held on November 1st at 4:00 pm. We encourage all kids in grades 5-7 to join on the 1st Tuesday of each month. This will be a group interested in contributing ideas and having a voice about tween programs, services, book collection and more! Get in on the conversation, have fun and enjoy snacks.

Have questions? Suggestions? Please contact Liz and Deena at