Greetings from the Mayor's Office for Cultural Affairs

Greetings from the Mayor’s Office for Cultural Affairs!

We are excited to announce that the Mayor’s Office for Cultural Affairs has a new weekly column in the Newton TAB. It is called ‘Spotlight On…’ and it showcases all the arts in Newton. This is an opportunity for you also to promote any cultural or artistic person, activity or group you are involved with.

Please send an email to Linda ( before Wednesday, for publication in the following week issue of the TAB, with one or two sentences (60 words or less) sharing this information. Last week’s column featured a call for sculptors for the upcoming Festival of the Arts. If you, or someone you know locally is a sculptor and would be interested in being part of the outdoor sculpture exhibition at Newton City Hall, please visit this link

As always, keep checking our new free on-line calendar of the Arts at for everything cultural going on in Newton. And keep an eye on for the Spelling Bee and Heartbreak Hill Road Race registrations, and the Tanglewood Marionettes “Cinderella” in February vacation.

Linda and I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year.

Jeannie Smith, Associate Director
Mayor’s Office for Cultural Affairs