Save the date for a fun, free EXPO at Newton North High School!
Monday, January 23, 2017, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Teens and adults are invited to the Just Think: Teens Making Smart Choices expo
for participative, informative exhibits; live musical performances; free refreshments;
and fun. Meet 30 community exhibitors who help teens navigate life’s pressures in
order to stay safe and healthy. Get information about everything from social media use
and pedestrian safety to healthy eating and positive body image to stress reduction
and mental health support. Sponsored by the Newton North PTSO.
• Community resources for teens and families
• FREE and fun!
• Treat bags for the first 50 students who come with a parent/guardian
• Giveaways and refreshments
• Prize drawing
• Table tennis challenge
• “American Ninja Warrior” demo