Drop-off and Pick-up Tips

Drop-off and pick-up can be tricky, especially in the beginning of the school year.  Luckily, we have plenty of tips to help you learn all about the Blue Zone and more!

There are many ways to get to school:  walk, bike, bus, and parent drop-off. At the beginning of the year and periodically throughout the year we especially need to talk about the blue zone and safety.

Just about anything anyone needs to know about getting to school can be found here on the Burr PTO website:


A Blue Zone is an area designated by the City of Newton for the safe and quick drop-off/pick-up of students by car. These areas are marked by blue curbs and blue School Pick-up/Drop-off Zone signs.  Cars may only remain in the Blue Zone long enough for a child to enter/exit the car—no parking. Please note that there is also no parking in the Live Parking areas (marked by signs), as this is where cars queue to pull into the Blue Zone. Drivers MUST stay in their cars at all times in both the Blue Zone and Live Parking areas. Violators who park in either can be towed or ticketed by the police.  These rules exist to help kids get to/from school safely!

PLEASE abide by the Blue Zone rules to ensure that dismissal and drop off is as safe as possible for our children. 

The Blue Zone system doesn't work for everyone, so if you feel it won't work for you or your child, that's fine.  Especially if you have a younger child, it can be very tricky! Just plan to walk, or leave enough time to park legally and walk your kids up to the school.