A Mentoring Opportunity from the Ligerbots!
Dear Burr PTO,

My name is Anika Bhawalkar and I go to Newton North High School. I am on the LigerBots (Newton’s high school robotics team) and I wanted to let you know the LigerBots have started an online mentor/tutoring program this fall. We believe this is an especially useful resource for parents (especially because it’s free!). In order to offer more support to elementary students--as well as provide teaching opportunities to high schoolers--we’ve created an online program in which we pair high school mentors with elementary kids over an online platform (Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facetime, etc.) Mentors could tutor, give homework help, or just play games and do crafts with younger students. We believe that this is an amazing opportunity for high school students to gain teaching experiences and help younger students through these trying times. We wanted to see if we could work in any way together or if you could help us get the word out to school parents!

We would like interested parents and mentors fill out these forms:
For interested parents/elementary students: https://forms.gle/GpuUN7eNRsXqhLRp9
For interested high school students: https://forms.gle/x7a39zEyCJF8fCJo6

Let us know if you are able to help us! Thank you so much.

Thank you,
Anika Bhawalkar
Ligerbots, Team 2877