BCAP has a limited number of openings
in our afterschool this year.
Enrollment is for the year ONLY. Previously enrolled BCAP families are guaranteed their child's schedule for the 2021-2022 BCAP year.
Priority for this year's enrollment will be given to families that have been on our waiting list the longest.
- The program's hours are 12:30-5:30pm M,T,TH,F; cost is $65.00 per day.
- Wednesday's hour are from 8:15am-3:15pm. The cost is $90.00 per day.
In November, as "in school hours" increase, our rates will be adjusted accordingly.
Please CALL (not email) the program at (617) 965-1518 by OCTOBER 13 to be put on the list of possible enrollees.
We will notify families by October 15, as to their child's status and/or the start date. As the year progresses, we hope to make available more spaces in the program.
Again, families on the waiting list the longest will get first priority and enrollment is for this current year only.
Thank you,