Celebrate Bike Month in May
- On Wednesday, May 3, walk, ride or roll your way to school!
- Join the Bike Rodeo on Sunday, May 7th, at Newton South High School where you can learn and review bike skills for grades K-6. Click here to volunteer at the bike rodeo.
- Learn about Newton’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Network Plan and share your input by Monday, May 8th! The survey works best with a desktop or laptop computer. You can also email comments to bikepedplan@newtonma.gov. Please be as specific as possible.
- Participate in the next meeting of Newton Safe Routes to School on Wednesday, May 17th. Email for Zoom link: NewtonSafeRoutes@gmail.com. Visit the Newton Free Library in May to view the Safe Routes to School display case. You can also learn more on our Facebook page.