Creative Arts & Sciences 2018 Schedule

The Creative Arts & Sciences (CAS) committee is pleased to announce this year’s fun, educational, and inspirational Creative Arts and Sciences programming. Read our letter with the full upcoming schedule here.

Your children already journeyed through musical time at this year’s Concert Series: New England Percussion Ensemble. In addition, this year each grade will experience 4-5 exciting programs tailored to their grade. Children’s faces light up as scientists, authors, poets, and entertainers offer a real life hands-on extension of what they are learning in the classroom. 

Mark your calendars. Don't forget to ask your child questions about what they learned. You'll be surprised with their wealth of information about starfish, butterflies, life in Ghana, the writing process, or origami!  Better yet, come to a presentation and witness the magic yourself.  Parents are always welcome!

All of these curriculum-aligned programs are funded entirely through parents’ donations to the The Wolf Fund. In fact, Creative Arts and Sciences is the largest line item of the PTO budget!  If you have not yet, please donate now.

While the program fees are paid for by the PTO, Creative Arts & Sciences is run completely by parent volunteers. If you have any questions or would like to get more involved, please email your CAS co-chairs or committee members. 

Thanks so much for your support, and we hope to see you in the classroom this year.

CAS Co-Chairs
Laura Towvim
Janhavi Wadhwani
Patty Devaney 

CAS Committee Members
Brenna Fisk, Kindergarten
Gina Quinn, First Grade
Tamika Olszewski, Second Grade
Marion Heller and Leslie Sax, Third Grade
Janhavi Wadhwani, Fourth Grade
Laura Towvim, Fifth Grade

Creative Arts and Sciences programs are fully funded by the Burr School PTO. 
Parents are welcome to attend, but no younger siblings please.