Special Education Parent Advisory Council Liason

Hello Burr Families!

I have recently volunteered to be the Special Education Parent Advisory Council Liaison for the Burr School Community. For those of you who are not aware, SEPAC is an all-volunteer organization of parents of children with disabilities in the Newton School system. The SEPAC sponsors monthly informational meetings, maintains an online discussion group and works with the school administration regarding our children’s special education needs. It provides parents with the opportunity to learn more about special education programs, issues, policies, regulations, and resources. 

Liaisons to the SEPAC are in place for each Newton public school and for those attending private and out-of-district schools. If you have a child in special education in Newton and have questions, you can contact me and I will do my best to provide you with information or put you in touch with someone from SEPAC that can answer your questions.  

To find out more about the council, go to https://newtonpac.org.

Lisa Holahan

