April 25, 2019

Dear Burr Families,

It’s hard to believe that we are now in the final stretch of the school year with only 7 full weeks to go! These weeks will be packed with hard work and fun as we continue to work on goals that we have set for this year, and simultaneously plan for the next school year.

We have completed most of our kindergarten screening and had transition meetings for our graduating fifth graders.  In May, we will begin working on class placement for next year.  Please be sure to let us know as soon as possible if your child(ren) will not be returning to Burr next year, so that we can plan with accuracy.  

The process of placing students is a long and complex one. The placement team includes your child’s teachers, mental health staff, and the principal.  The time and effort we spend weighing all of the factors reflect the importance we place on creating an optimal learning environment for each student.  We strive to have balanced classes where all children can be successful.

If you have any information regarding your child’s placement that you would like to share with the team, please do so in writing (please - no emails for this process). Your letter should be marked to my attention and delivered to the school office no later than Friday, May 3.  I will review these letters and share them with the grade-level teams. Your letter can include information about your child’s learning style, strengths, special interests, or any information you feel is important to share with the team that we don't already know. You may list friends that would be good learning partners for your child, but be sure to list between 4-6 peers from across the grade level, so that we can try to place at least one of them in your child’s class next year. Teachers know the children well and always make sure that each child has a few good learning partners in his/her class.  Please do not request specific teachers, as I am unable to honor these requests.  Do not feel that you must write a letter to ensure that your child's placement will receive careful consideration.  

We will let you know of your child's placement in late August. The class lists will be emailed unless you request a paper copy be mailed to you. If your email address changes between now and August, please be sure to let us know.


Mindy Johal