Cornhole & Crockpots - This Friday!

The Burr PTO is excited to host an adult only fundraiser of competition and fun!

Date: Friday, October 18th

Time: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: 87 Rowe St, Auburndale 

Get your recipes and team names ready! Prizes for:

Best In Crock: Appetizers, Soups/Stews/Entrees and Desserts
Best Signature Drink: Non-Alcoholic & Alcoholic
Cornhole Tournament Champions

$20 per person - pay online or pay at the door. All proceeds go to the Burr playground enhancements

DJ, (beer, wine, and soda), 50/50 raffle and a raffle item!

This event is open to the community & friends of Burr Elementary so bring your friends!

For more info and to register: