Volunteers needed for
The Understanding Our Differences program is a terrific parent led program that teaches our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade children about various disabilities. It’s focus is on teaching children to be inclusive of and to be allies for persons with disabilities in their community. This program is run entirely with parent volunteers and we need your help! Volunteering is easy, fun and anyone can do it – you don’t need any background knowledge about disabilities or to have a child in the grade to volunteer. Please consider volunteering for the following units:
3rd grade (Thursdays 11am-1pm)
- November 14, 2019 -- Physical Disabilities
- March 12, 2020 -- Blindness/Low Vision
- April 9, 2020 -- Deafness/Hard of Hearing
Contact Christine Dutt ( to volunteer!
4th grade (Thursdays 9:40-11:40 am)
- November 14, 2019 -- Learning Disabilities
- April 9, 2020 -- Chronic Medical Conditions
Contact Michael Grubb ( or sign-up via sign-up genius to volunteer!
5th grade
- October 28, 2019 -- Intellectual Disabilities (Monday 9-11am)
- January 16, 2020 – Autism (Thursday 1-3pm)
Contact Deanna Salemme ( to volunteer!
Volunteering is easy – anyone can do it. Part of the reason the program is so successful is that it is designed to run well with first-time volunteers. Volunteers will take small groups of kids through learning activities – but this is easy to do because there is a script to follow and it is fun for the kids. You can get ready very quickly the evening before by watching a few minute video online and looking through the activity outline.
The whole program takes only 2 hours (and you can leave 30 minutes early if you need to) – so it is shorter and easier than a field trip – and your kids will love having you participate just as much as they love you coming on field trips.
Want to know more?